Any local from the city of Seattle will tell you that if you are caught carrying an umbrella on a rainy day - you are not a local. Visitors to Seattle will pack an umbrella based on the news that it rains there all the time. What the news won't tell you is how much you will stand out simply by using that umbrella.
Similar circumstances occur here in Afghanistan - don't carry a flashlight.
When packing to come here I packed five different kinds of flashlights, one that tells the time in twelve different time zones (not including this one), a LED blue small keychain type light, a red/white Petzel head lamp, a simple LED hand held flashlight, and even a LED flat Eddie Bauer flashlight. The first week I used one of the flashlights to light my way back and forth to the PX and the gym and the dining facility. But what I noticed was no one else was using one. Why?
My first thought was that it was against policy to light my way along the rocky walkways. Someone was going to stop me, pull me aside and say I was lighting the way for the next rocket attack. My second thought was the walkways here are so ridiculously unkept, streets pot holed, obscure ditches, etc. that you would be a fool not to carry a flashlight.
I also notice that the planes and helos flying over at night do not turn on the headlights....hmmm.
One month later, I am not carrying a flashlight anywhere. I see the ones who are, and spot them as new comers.
When walking I use the light from the large spinning (light house type) light from the air field, the headlights from oncoming traffic (if I am along the "blvd"), and your eyes simply adjust to the darkness.
What is funny is that the smallest flashlight I brought is the only one I use daily, it is a simple LED blue light that was on my key chain. I use it to find the key lock on my door late at night. I use the real flashlight when the power goes out in my room, which it does a lot.
So, when visiting Seattle leave the umbrella at home, and if you are so lucky to get to come to Afghanistan don't forget your small LED blue light. It is all you will need.